The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Begins with contractors arriving at Arthur Dent's house, to demolish it to make way for a bypass. His friend, Ford Prefect, arrives while Arthur is lying in front of the bulldozers, to stop them from demolishing it. He tries to explain to Arthur that he is from a planet somewhere near Betelgeuse and that the Earth is about to be demolished. The Vogons, an alien race, intend to destroy Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass.

There, Arthur, after being separated from the rest of the group, is taken to the interior of Magrathea by Slartibartfast, a native of the planet. As the others, except Marvin, are kidnapped, Slartibartfast explains to Arthur that the Earth is a supercomputer commissioned and paid for by a race of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings. These creatures had earlier built a supercomputer named Deep Thought, to calculate the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. This computer, after seven and a half million years of calculating, had announced that the Answer is in fact 42. Being unsatisfied with the Answer, they set about finding the Question. Deep Thought designed a computer, the Earth, to calculate the Question. However, ten million years later, and just five minutes before the completion of the program, the Earth is demolished by the Vogons. The manifestations of two of these beings, Frankie and Benjy Mouse, had arrived on Magrathea on the Heart of Gold, disguised as Trillian's pet mice.

= Significance of the title.

The author in the tittle of his book wanted to show that the universe and as living people in the world must adapt of coherence and reasonable way, to extraterrestrial and terrestrial success, the adventures can be told by what everyone pass on a daily basis

= The audience the book is intended for. Justify your claim.

This book is more than all created for that adventure people, for each success that in each scene present; also, young people enjoy this, because the author represent a lot of images of this world in a great, imaginative and magician adventure, with much scenes full of war, and charm

Character(s) you identify the most with. Why?

I identify with Arthur because he did not let himself be defeated by what they would do to his house at the beginning, for so many things that he did not let himself be overcome by what happened to him on the way. Being himself defending what belonged to him and optimistic, although sometimes he was distracted, but his tastes are essential, and he takes advantage of his activities, proposing to follow his way, despite all the bad things that have happened to him, that accompany those who They want something good in their adventures.

= Character(s) you identify the least with. Why?

I decide for Marvin, because, he is a robot, but I consider that my thought is essential of person, and I don’t like that a robot can be my partner, he don´t feel, maybe ca be very intelligent, but I don´t see like a robot, and least with none feeling.

Character(s) you would definitely take out of the story, because of any specific reasons.

I wouldn´t take out any character, because each of them make a great adventure, and everyone is necessary to create a magnificent story 

Part or parts of the book you find especially important. That is, the one part of the story you feel touched by. Quote some passages. Why is this important for you?

Despite that the book start boring, this story has a lot of scenes what make wonderstruck, but I feel more entertaining was when Arthur be to make feel in the start of this story, this was when Mister L. Prosser wanted to destroy his house for build a road for that way.

Would you recommend other people to read this book? What people? Why?

Maybe, I’d recommend for the young people, that people that love the magician and amaze adventures in the space, obviously a agreeing with the earth; because, the book relate a great adventure between space and time, space with our planet, and rare beings

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