Hello guys one more time, I wanna share with you my new activities done this second week, remainder to say that I learn a lot with this activities.

In the first day I read a text about art psichology, from an article relationship The Emotional Effects of Colors.

What is Color Psychology?

The psychology of color is based on the mental and emotional effects colors have on sighted people in all facets of life. There are some very subjective pieces to color psychology as well as some more accepted and proven elements. Keep in mind, that there will also be variations in interpretation, meaning, and perception between different cultures.

As the meaning says, the psychology of color is as seen every stage in our lives, as we implement and follow it daily, so it makes us distinguish as we are and who we are in our momentary actions in question of Mental behavior.

If you want to look more information, you can learn in the next tittle., click on...
Color Psychology

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